Architecture School design
Architectural School Design puts the practice of fine arts in the context of relation to the disciplines of interior design and product design and learns to lead architecture design projects that are innovative, sustainable, and memorable. You’ve heard the legend’s tales of all-nighters and inventiveness, of unrivaled workaholism and devotion to the craft. Maybe you already know what you want to do — solve the great urbanization problem, invent the next sustainable wonder-gadget, or simply start your own architectural firm and show the world how it’s done.
Perhaps you have no notion of what you want to do and are drawn to architecture because of its romance and larger-than-life scale. Perhaps you’re an artist looking for work after graduation. You’re going to be thrust into a classroom of the greatest, potentially for the first time in your life, as a hometown hero. You’ll be surrounded by the best in the fields of engineering, problem-solving, writing, painting, and a variety of other disciplines. You stand poised at the doors of architectural education, nervous and thrilled, hungry for innovation and eager to share and learn from others.

When you walk into the building for the first time, you’re preparing for the best – and worst – times of your life so far. To help you prepare for the weird beast that is architecture school, learn the difference between reality and fiction. Despite the idea that architecture is universal, day-to-day practice differs widely around the world, owing to a variety of elements ranging from an architect’s professional duties and responsibilities to the local environment, history, and building customs, to local priorities and obstacles.